Remember that show? (maybe it's still on?) I found this recipe for slime. I knew my son would have the best time with it, the girls.......I wasn't too sure about.

This one braved it and then quickly wiped it off, on my pot holders.

This sweet thing dipped her finger in and immediately wiped it off! And you can see the look on her face! She loved it, but she didn't want to touch it. So she played with it with a spoon.

My son, LOVED it!!! and if you scroll down, it didn't take him very long before he smeared it on his arms. HE is the reason we did this project outside!!!!


Total boy reaction.

My girls; nice and clean and having fun!

Here is the recipe:
6t Metamucil
3C water
Put the ingredients in a jar with a lid and have the kids shake it like crazy for a minute. Then pour the concoction into a pot and bring to a boil for one minute. Turn the heat down and stir for 3 minutes. Remove from pot and allow to cool.
The slime takes awhile to cool, so I split it up. I used 2 bowls and the rest went on a tin pan that I had saved from a bakery item. The girls had fun moving the slime around the large pan with spoons and for my son, he had his hands completely in the slime so the bowl was perfect for him. I did this on a cheapo tablecloth left over from the 4th of July. When we were done, I removed the bowls and gathered up the tablecloth with everythign else on it and threw it all out. I hosed off my son and we were all cleaned up in seconds!
My son wanted to keep the slim but it's just too easy to make so I promised him I would make it again. This is the first time that my middle daughter didn't ask me, "Can we do this again?" So while I want to say she enjoyed it, I don't think it was that big of a hit with the girls. This might be more of a boy activity. My son lives for getting dirty, while my girls are more girly girls. We had some good laughs and it was cheap fun. Now, what am I going to do with this huge bottle of Metamucil?! LOL (btw, i was so embarrassed when i bought it! )
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